Find Coordinates of Image Online - [x,y,rectangle,circle]

if you want to find coordinates of image online, Then we have made this Tutorial just for you.
So to get the Coordinates of your Image just Select/Browse your Image and Our image coordinates finder will take care rest for you.

Ractangle Co-Ordinates

Circle Co-Ordinates

Polygon Co-Ordinates

[Video] How to Get Coordinated by using This Webpage?

How to get Ractangle Co-Ordinates

At the begining of this tutorial, there is Browse button. You need to click on it and select your IMAGE file from your Computer Storage.
Now you just need to pick your Object from your Image just by clicking on the TOP-RIGHT and BOTTOM-RIGHT edge of subject.
Right bellow your Selected IMAGE there is first Section for Rectangle Coordinates.
Where you can view your TOP-RIGHT and BOTTOM-RIGHT coordinates for selected Object.

How to get Circle Co-Ordinates

At the begining of this tutorial, there is Browse button. You need to click on it and select your IMAGE file from your Computer Storage.
Now you just need to pick your Object from your Image just by clicking on the Center (if its a Circular Object) to get the Position of your OBJECT and RIGHT edge of Object to get the Radius.
Right bellow your Selected IMAGE there is 2nd Section for Circle Coordinates.
Where you can view the Position and Object Radius coordinates for selected Object.

How to get Polygon Co-Ordinates

At the begining of this tutorial, there is Browse button. You need to click on it and select your IMAGE file from your Computer Storage.
Now you just need to pick your Object from your Image just by clicking on the every edge of subject.
Right bellow your Selected IMAGE, Third Section for Rectangle Coordinates.
Where you can view your All the coordinates for selected Object.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find x y coordinates of the image online

To find the X and Y Coordinates of an image online, you can use our Page "link" and by using this page you will be able to get the Coordinates of a Square, Triangle, and Plygans (This will cover 90% of Shapes)

How to find the coordinates of an image in HTML online

In HTML we use area tags for that but before using Area Tags, you will need to Exact Coordinate of a Shape that you want to Map and after that, you will be able to Map an Image using HTML Area Tags.

Get image coordinates online

This page includes some tools that can help you find/get the Coordinated from images. So for getting image coordinates online you can scroll up, upload your image, select your Shape, and you will get all the pixel coordinates from the image.

Image coordinates calculator

Yes, you could refer to this page as an Image Coordinates calculator, because we calculate the X, and Y locations from Images and return X, and Y Coordinates for different Shapes.

Programming head coordinates

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